Saturday, December 17, 2016

Profile of Connie S.Y. Jiao, TCMD

Connie S.Y. Jiao

Naturopath, Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor

(Mandarin follows)
Connie S.Y. Jiao is a professional member of The Academy of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists of Canada, and a certified Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner. She has received a B.Sc. degree from the best China Pharmaceutical University in 1990 and earned a 2nd diploma in TCM in another re-known Traditional Chinese Medicine University in Beijing. She has practiced in the prestigious General Hospital and trained with famous TCM doctors for difficult cases in Beijing, China.
Having had a long history of battling sport injuries and allergies herself, Connie has developed a passion for helping people feel the joy and freedom that comes with true healing and restoration of one's health. She will work with you to help facilitate this transformation so that you can get back to living your best life.
In parallel with her studies, she also enjoys various sports and physical activities, including tennis, badminton, skiing and swimming.
She is trained in using traditional Chinese medicine techniques, including cupping, trigger point therapy, herbal medicine and intramuscular stimulation to cure injuries from sports and chronic diseases.

Connie S.Y. Jiao has experience helping people with many conditions including but not limited to:
- Allergies (environmental, food intolerances)
- Chronic Fatigue
- Chronic Pain (includind back pain and frozen shoulder etc.)
- Sports Injuries (tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, sprains, strains, etc.)
- Digestive Disorders (Acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis etc.
- Insomnia
- Obesity (insulin resistance, diabetes, metabolic syndrome etc.)
- Stroke
- Skin Disorders (eczema, rosacea etc.)
- Urinary Tract Disorders (interstitial cystitis, chronic cystitis)
- Women’s’ Health Issues (PMS, menstrual irregularities, menopause, endometriosis, fibroids, etc.)
and lots of other Chronic Diseases include assistant support to cancer etc.
Connie Jiao是加拿大自然疗法协会会员,注册中医师。 她于1990年从中国最好的药科大学取得药学学士学位,又继续在中国排名第一的北京中医药大学学习中医专业本科取得专业证书,并在北京中医科学院附属医院跟师中国经方名医不断进修学习中草药古方,针灸以治疗疑难杂症。
Connie 擅长运用拔罐,穴位按摩,针灸等治疗运动损伤等相关问题。并运用中草药或现代草药提纯的颗粒剂治疗以下疾病:
-- 失眠症

Services offered

Chinese herbal medicine

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